About Us

This website is a resource for people interested in Temperament Therapy. Although we do not provide counseling services, we provide you with a list of individual temperament therapists along with their biographies. All of the therapists listed are independent contractors and own their own counseling business. Each is a member of the National Christian Counselors’ Association (NCCA) and follow their counseling guidelines and professional standards. A link to their Code of Ethics can be found here. You can get additional information about the association directly from the NCCA website by clicking here.

The purpose of the book How Am I Wired? was to present an introduction to Temperament Therapy. The book outlines the differences between Christian counseling and secular counseling. It explains temperaments, of what they are comprised, and how each of us is a unique creation specially made by God. Understanding that we were created and not randomly formed our of chaos points to a rational being created in the image of God. Beginning with that, we look at just how you were uniquely created. This is the basis of understanding who you are and how you relate to the world around you. It really is a fascinating journey! To contact a temperament therapist, click here.