Our Mission

We want you to understand yourself by teaching you how God created you.

Change Begins With Understand Why I Am The Way I Am

Available on Amazon.com

The purpose of Temperament Therapy is unlike secular counseling. Much of what we do includes educating people about their individual temperaments. You could say that we teach people how they are wired. By doing this we help people to understand why they do the things they do and why they may react in a certain way. We also look at what are the driving factors that would make them happy and fruitful individuals based upon how they are wired.

Temperaments are neither bad nor good. What may surprise you is that, unlike the color of our hair and eyes, or other physical attributes, temperaments are not inherited. They are a unique combination of temperament styles which are God-given before we are born.

Each of us is a unique creation. Understanding that unique creation is what temperament therapy is all about. It is what we do with our temperaments and how we use them that can cause difficulties in our lives.

There is no blame or shame in being who you are. The therapist’s desire is to help you be the best of who God created you to be.

Currently all therapist provide counseling through secure online meetings. Click here to see a current list of therapists.